Mobile: 07801356644

Photo Gallery

Here are some examples of our work, you can click on any of the photos to view them full size. You can also click on the link below to read some reviews from our customers:


Also you can click on the link(s) below to view some more of our photos.

" The whole process was dealt with in an exemplary and professional manner. Neighbours have commented on your team's conduct in keeping things clean and tidy and not creating any disruption to them. Your standard of work is superb. "

Matthews Drive

West Sussex

" I would like to thank Worth Building for the marvelleous way in which they undertook the general building which has been first class. The courtesy shown was exceptional. "

Lingfield Drive

West Sussex

" We would highly recommend Worth Building and have no hesitation that the work would be carried out exactly as required in a very clean, tidy and orderly manner. "

Ruskin Close

West Sussex

For more information about the building services we provide, please get in touch now by giving us a call on 07801356644 or by clicking the link below to view our contact page where you can send us an enquiry online.
